The Ultimate Competitive Advantage

Airlines spend millions of dollars each month to promote their services and to set themselves apart from the competition.

Imagine how much they could save - and thus how much more they could make - if their brand was a ubiquitous dictionary word that is already being used by millions of people, every day, around the world?

Because "oriented" has multiple meanings and is used in different parts of speech, this domain name would be a BONANZA of a marketing vehicle due to its unmatched ability to capture mind share in an instant.

The same holds true for "ORIENTED Cruises".

Imagine the passenger experience on an ORIENTED flight to Shanghai:

  • At the departure gate, monitors show "Oriented to Shanghai."
  • On takeoff, cabin crew says, "Welcome to Oriented flight 888 to Shanghai."
  • Passengers peruse the inflight magazine for places to eat and things to do. It's found in the section, "Shanghai Oriented".
  • The ORIENTED app allows passengers to connect with each other. It's a long flight, so why not network with others?
  • In preparation for landing, the captain announces "We'll be oriented in Shanghai in thirty minutes." The airline is utilizing every possible touch point to establish brand recall.
  • At their hotels, people can check the ORIENTED app for places to eat and things to do. The content is tied to the inflight magazine they were reading earlier.
  • The ORIENTED app and inflight magazine content are integrated with the website content, i.e. deeper ROI for advertisers.
  • VIP and business travelers are invited to a VIP reception = added value and increased brand loyalty. Face-to-face networking is key to doing business in Asia.
  • Even something as simple as ORIENTED t-shirts can serve as a revenue stream, marketing tool (think walking billboards!), and promotional giveaway items.
From just that ONE experience - every single time those passengers see or hear the word "oriented" going forward - they will be hard pressed NOT to think about ORIENTED Airlines.

This brand is a supremely valuable asset because there is no other word in the entire English language that can create THIS kind of return on marketing dollars - a competitive advantage that no other Asian airline can overcome.

Not Air Asia.
Not Thai Airways.
Not Cathay Pacific.
Not Singapore Airlines.


The creative possibilities with "oriented" for ad copy, marketing campaigns, marketing collateral, and more are unlimited. And a company name with a word that is used by millions of people worldwide is priceless – because it is perpetually reinforced, every single day, at no cost to you.

The Competition

Many times, companies acquire valuable domain names just to prevent competitors from doing so and using it against them.

Or, they may just acquire the generic name "" to strengthen their existing, core brands.

To learn more, click here.

To make an offer on this domain name, click here.